A new era has arrived

Discover our 2022 Collections!

Magic happens when you mix substance with romance! Each collection is meant to inspire.
Check out our brands latest creations for the new 2022 collections.
Now available in our Dealer Area.


Rembo Styling

The brand’s signature has always been the back… and they keep on amazing us in the new collection! Dreamy, powerful and magnetic, we designed modern pieces thinking on all the traits of a bride we would love to portray in a dress. Expect the most delicate lines, beautiful laces and strong patterns, softened by the most feminine designs in our 2022 collection.


Chic, modern and trendy! Marylise brings a whole new overlook on how sexy should feel like. Looking at a dynamic women, that enjoys having fun without letting her romantic nature aside, we dwelled on flowy fabrics, light pieces, lace, plumetis and the most stunning necklines! Feeling bold and spontaneous with our dresses, ready for the new season.

Carta Branca

For the bride who searches for soul in everything she does, the brand opens up a new chapter by introducing 9 high-end pieces made in silk into the bridal world. A minimalist approach to beauty, focusing on the excellence of design and materials, with dresses that can easily adapt and flow in a multitude of scenarios, celebrating individuality and taste.